Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The universe, your destiny, your karma; they are at play every moment of your life.

Pay heed.

Signs, that later go on to become miracles, exist in every molecule of life.

Acknowledge their existence.

Breathe, calm down, and take a deep breath again.

Hope and Faith are sacred things. They can turn into a curse if you use them blindly. Call upon them in the hour of need.

But, believe infinitely. Believe in miracles. They happen. They are just waiting for you to believe in them, so they can unveil themselves.

Believe in the energies of the universe. The energies are on a lookout for you every second. Embrace their presence. You will feel warm, protected and alive by a higher power that you refuse to acknowledge.

Talking about that higher power, who we call God amidst a million other names; please do not doubt its existence, or rather, presence, just because you haven’t seen God with your own eyes. God, is something else altogether. A power much higher than what we can imagine or possibly register. Don't define yourself by accepting or not accepting God. It won't matter. Believe in your heart, feelings, logic, and self. Trust your instincts. God is busy taking care of 7 billion other souls and heaven and hell and million other galaxies that existed, exist and will exist; and of course you.

There is nothing like a coincidence. It’s a more of a believable term that we convince our fragile, scared heart to believe, because the idea that miracles, and signs and energies of the universe exists, can alter us to an extraordinary extend. Go to this extraordinary extent. You'll experience magic and you'll come out of it alive.

One thing about humans, we love to use wrong terminology for everything. So a little correction – Heart is not a fragile, scared, little thing; our emotions and mind games are. Heart is the purest and most powerful space within you. It’s where your true inner child exists. Listen.

It holds your deepest desires, truest dreams, most shameful fears, and does not judge you for it. Because it loves you. Like a baby loves his mother. Accept it. Embrace it. Listen to it sing your purpose in life that you've known since eternity.

Coming to your Purpose In Life. Let me quote Paulo Coelho here: “One’s Personal Legend is what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is.” – The Alchemist. My Holy Book.

They say you are unique. Do you know what it is about you that is unique? It’s the fact that there is a mission you're born to fulfil, and only you can fulfil it. It’s yours alone. This mission is a dream that you've had ever since you were little. And you will complete your purpose in this lifetime by fulfilling your dream. Otherwise your soul will keep coming back to Earth, for you to fulfil it. (Yes I totally believe in past life and rebirth, and because I believe, I have witnessed it happening.)

What is this purpose? You know it. Thankfully, we humans listen to our inner voice when we are children. Then ‘reality’ sets in. Fuck that.

This dream that you have? Follow it. Pursue it. Let it scare the crap out of you but don’t give up on it. It’ll make you a passionate being. It’ll make you feel alive! (The. Most. Badass. Feeling. Ever.)

And you know the most incredible thing that comes out of believing and pursuing your dream is that everything else falls into place. Your life, your relationships, your friendships, your romance. Every single thing becomes perfectly alright. I guess it’s because you're in a space of such pristine joy, you only attract positivity. The energies of the universe help you set things right.

And follow your goddamn dream because you'll end up leaving an impact on another human being. Some people followed theirs and that left a dazzling impact on you. Do the same for another soul.

Please know that none of the above theories control your life. None of the people or incidents in your life, control your life. You alone control your life. You ARE unstoppable. Look at this way: if you're a sentence that will only end once it reaches the purpose it’s meant to reach, than others are the little commas in between, causing a hindrance at max, but only you have the power to put a full stop before the sentence attains its final call.

Back to the controlling part. I know half the reason you don't want to believe in the universe and destinies and karma and signs is because you feel like they control your life. (The actual reason is fear but let’s pretend this is a reason too.) READ ABOVE. You control your life. You're responsible for it. Doesn't mean you blame yourself for the nonsense either. The point is, that all this ‘philosophical bull shit’ is there to help you. And only when you ask for it.

Trust me on this – Take Their Help. Life is beautiful man once you start believing in things beyond what your conscious projects. A subconscious exists, science proves that. So pay heed when things look beyond normal, maybe universe is prodding you to take notice of a sign.

You know, all this might look too paranormal and perverse because of the words I have used, but trust me on this, they happen in the simplest moments of life. It’s subtle. And therein lies its beauty. Give them a chance. They might surprise you.

And oh! Let’s talk about the two most persistent things in our lives. Fear and Love.
Fear is one hell of a bitch. Most of you would claim, ‘So is love!’

The thing is, fall in love. That’s it. Fuck the rest. It’s uncertain, it’s scary, and it’s that one sole thing that will strip you vulnerably naked, but go for it. It’s a fall, and the most exhilarating one at that, so hell yes it’s uncertain! And as much as you plan it, universe will troll you and heartbreaks will happen.


Do it. What am I saying! You can’t help falling in love. Just don't be scared of it. STOP planning it. Stop weighing the pros and cons. It’s the most real emotion you'll ever experience, so get into it head on and get out of it with the same shamelessness if you know it’s not love anymore but a liability.

I think, love is the easiest way to become the human being you can be, the kind of person you want to be. If that’s not what’s going on, maybe you're yet to collide with the right one. Stop looking. This is one thing that universe will make sure happens. (Patience is a bigger bitch.) Also, stop taking the words ‘soulmate’ and ‘The One’, so seriously. They are different things. Spiritual things, as I like to call them.

And finally, do yourself a favour and learn the art of Letting Go. Master it. Experience liberation. There is nothing (and no one) in this world without which you can’t survive. You are much more powerful than that. Show yourself some kindness, take help and let go.

I bet you've wondered why am I sharing all this with you?

I don't have a straight answer for this, so let’s go with the maybes.

Maybe because recently, I've started paying heed to signs again, and I get clear answers from the universe as to where what is headed. Coincidence much? Not really.

Maybe because I am not scared to fall in love again after thinking I am incapable of letting go of an unhealthy relationship. I came out alive and mature. So bring on my next beautiful mistake!

Maybe because I've never given up on my dream and all the believing led to a moment of catharsis where my Purpose In Life became clear to me.

Maybe because, right now, I feel alive in the true sense of the word. I want to scream my dream from rooftops and I wish to share this space of joy.

Maybe all of the above.

Thanks for reading this. Let me know if it left any kind of an impact on you. Or if it made you smile. Or if you thought, ‘what piece of shit’.



  1. Sigh. This post is the nicest thing that happened to me today in a rather fucked up day. I almost agree everything here. It was like you have written exactly what I feel or what I think. Really. Truly Speaking. And as for 'the answer'? Love has always been the questions and the answer as well. The art of letting go is something I need to master. All in all a very good read.

    1. Thank you. :D

      Glad it helped you in some way!
